Eternal Love - Small Bouquet


This charming small bouquet is a timeless expression of love and affection, thoughtfully curated with an elegant mix of dried and preserved flowers. Featuring soft pink, romantic red, deep maroon, and pure white hues, it includes:

  • Celosia for texture and warmth

  • Fern for a lush, natural feel

  • Baby’s Breath for a delicate, airy touch

  • Phalaris for subtle color and dimension

  • Billy Buttons for a playful pop of golden brightness

Perfect for a sweet Valentine’s gesture, this lasting bouquet brings beauty and sentiment, beautifully wrapped to evoke romance and lasting memories.

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This charming small bouquet is a timeless expression of love and affection, thoughtfully curated with an elegant mix of dried and preserved flowers. Featuring soft pink, romantic red, deep maroon, and pure white hues, it includes:

  • Celosia for texture and warmth

  • Fern for a lush, natural feel

  • Baby’s Breath for a delicate, airy touch

  • Phalaris for subtle color and dimension

  • Billy Buttons for a playful pop of golden brightness

Perfect for a sweet Valentine’s gesture, this lasting bouquet brings beauty and sentiment, beautifully wrapped to evoke romance and lasting memories.

This charming small bouquet is a timeless expression of love and affection, thoughtfully curated with an elegant mix of dried and preserved flowers. Featuring soft pink, romantic red, deep maroon, and pure white hues, it includes:

  • Celosia for texture and warmth

  • Fern for a lush, natural feel

  • Baby’s Breath for a delicate, airy touch

  • Phalaris for subtle color and dimension

  • Billy Buttons for a playful pop of golden brightness

Perfect for a sweet Valentine’s gesture, this lasting bouquet brings beauty and sentiment, beautifully wrapped to evoke romance and lasting memories.

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