Pretty in Pink
Celebrate love that lasts with our Pretty in Pink bouquet, an exquisite arrangement of preserved and dried florals. Perfect for Valentine's Day or any occasion that calls for a meaningful gift, this stunning bouquet features a harmonious blend of soft pinks, coral, and magenta hues.
Crafted with care, the arrangement includes:
Preserved Celosia for delicate texture and vibrant color
Hydrangea for a soft, romantic touch
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus for subtle greenery and a fragrant finish
Ming Fern for a touch of whimsy and dimension
Baby’s Breath for a soft, airy feel
Billy Buttons adding playful pops of yellow
Feathers for a unique and elegant accent
Arranged in a charming light pink pedestal pot, this everlasting bouquet is designed to bloom beautifully year-round, making it a perfect gift for someone special or a lovely addition to your own space. A timeless way to express your affection, this bouquet will never fade, just like your love.
Celebrate love that lasts with our Pretty in Pink bouquet, an exquisite arrangement of preserved and dried florals. Perfect for Valentine's Day or any occasion that calls for a meaningful gift, this stunning bouquet features a harmonious blend of soft pinks, coral, and magenta hues.
Crafted with care, the arrangement includes:
Preserved Celosia for delicate texture and vibrant color
Hydrangea for a soft, romantic touch
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus for subtle greenery and a fragrant finish
Ming Fern for a touch of whimsy and dimension
Baby’s Breath for a soft, airy feel
Billy Buttons adding playful pops of yellow
Feathers for a unique and elegant accent
Arranged in a charming light pink pedestal pot, this everlasting bouquet is designed to bloom beautifully year-round, making it a perfect gift for someone special or a lovely addition to your own space. A timeless way to express your affection, this bouquet will never fade, just like your love.
Celebrate love that lasts with our Pretty in Pink bouquet, an exquisite arrangement of preserved and dried florals. Perfect for Valentine's Day or any occasion that calls for a meaningful gift, this stunning bouquet features a harmonious blend of soft pinks, coral, and magenta hues.
Crafted with care, the arrangement includes:
Preserved Celosia for delicate texture and vibrant color
Hydrangea for a soft, romantic touch
Silver Dollar Eucalyptus for subtle greenery and a fragrant finish
Ming Fern for a touch of whimsy and dimension
Baby’s Breath for a soft, airy feel
Billy Buttons adding playful pops of yellow
Feathers for a unique and elegant accent
Arranged in a charming light pink pedestal pot, this everlasting bouquet is designed to bloom beautifully year-round, making it a perfect gift for someone special or a lovely addition to your own space. A timeless way to express your affection, this bouquet will never fade, just like your love.